SeaWorld Palace Entertainment

Hi there! My name is Joshmc_ or Josh! I joined the SeaWorld staff team on October 19th 2018! When I joined the staff team I joined as Vice-Director of Trainers.
My positions here at SeaWorld are:
Vice-Director of Trainers 10/19/18-11/03/18
Director of Trainers 11/03/18-11/18/18
Chief Events Officer/Executive/Events Coordinator 11/18/18-12/03/18
General Coordinator/Coordinator 12/03/18- 02/10/19
Co-Owner 02/10/19-Present
So that's a little about what I do here at SeaWorld Palace Entertainment, but what about me as a person?
I love Disney (like most people on Palace) and Universal but Harry Potter is my favorite. I am a crazy person. And I am currently an Honorable here at Palace Network
I am also the Web Developer for SWPE meaning I create and Manage the website (or what you are reading this on) if you have any suggestions as to what we should add to this website please message me on discord! I also manage/develop the discord server! So if somethings wrong with either of those, 9 times / 10 I f fix them! Which I'm always happy to do!
To be honest theirs not much to say other than that ,and if you see me around feel free to say "Hello!"