SeaWorld Palace Entertainment
If you find the rank system for SWPE confusing, here's a list of them (in order) and some information about them!
Staff Ranks
Director Directors are the Owners and Co-Owners of SeaWorld Palace Entertainment.
Coordinator The Coordinator rank is the second highest rank on the staff team and they run the Management Team. They ultimately oversee the day to day running of the parks.
Manager Managers are the heads of the community. Managers are responsible for every major aspect of the community and they each have specific jobs.
Supervisor Supervisors oversee specific aspects of the community and are directed by Managers. Supervisors also assist the Managers with anything needed. They frequently act as the go-to's for various projects and often take leadership roles within the staff team
Marketing The Marketing team works on our YouTube channel by making videos, creating posters for events. That sort of stuff!!!
Technician Have you ever been to one of our shows? And seen our amazing tech? Well that tech was made by these guys!!! Our Technician team!
Builder Have you been to our park? (I hope so, if you're reading this) And seen our beautiful builds? Most likely it was built by someone on our Build Team!
Trainer If you've seen one of our shows, you have definitely seen our beautiful whales working and interacting with, you guessed it! The Trainers! A Trainer's primary job is to perform in shows, however they can help with building and tech!
Animal If you've seen a show, you know those amazing creatures you see? Those are our animals hard at work! A Animal normally performs in shows, however they can help us build and do other things!
Intern Although not all new staff do this, some may start out as a Intern. A Intern is our Trainee and while a Intern you have to show us you have what it takes to become a regular staff member!
Guest Ranks
Special Guest ​this rank is given out to active members of our community and "special" people. Although everyone is special this rank is given to Guests who are super Special to SWPE! This rank can be received through reaching level 50 on the discord!
Club Orca This rank is our VIP rank. It gives you special seating in shows, special lounges and so much more! You can win this rank with giveaways on the discord, or reaching level 15 on the discord!
Guest This rank is the default rank. And the rank anyone gets with joining the discord!